Affiliate Disclosure

Social Doggy Club is part of several affiliate sales networks. This means that we will earn a commission if you decide to buy any product we recommend and link to in our reviews.

This is one of the ways we are able to fund our in-depth research and compensate our Social Doggy Club advisory team who work tirelessly to provide the latest Dog Care tips free to our readers.

Note that, while we will be paid referral fees by many of the companies whose products you see recommended on this site, our first priority is to provide helpful information to our loyal readers. Therefore, we do not accept compensation from any company to improve or affect their rankings in any way. We create our rankings and only recommend products before placing affiliate links on our site.

Moreover, because we value our readers, we do not accept free products or any tools and equipment from companies in exchange for reviews. Instead, we strive to purchase the items ourselves to prevent bias from influencing our assessment of the product. If we are not able to purchase the product, our team will research and collate all the information about a specific product before making recommendations.

Opinions presented on the site are those of Social Doggy Club, or our team of writers who at times may post their own opinions. While we do our best to cover a wide range of effective air quality products as possible, the site does not include all available products of offers.

Amazon Disclosure is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for website owners to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

Content on this site may contain affiliate links. These links take you to third-party sites, such as If you make a purchase, may receive a commission. Not every link is an affiliate link, but some are.

We may occasionally place banner ads on the site that will also result in commission. Furthermore, some of the text/image ads throughout the site are ads.